Monday, January 6, 2014

Extremes of the first week.

What a Week!

Goa. A place that I never want to leave. Nature works in such miraculous ways to create experiences that can only be felt. I cannot ever put into words how that place makes me feel.
I love the sea, the sand and the sun.

This was my second trip to Goa, much different from the first and yet it completely refreshed my outlook towards life all over again. I went for a friend's wedding, and I returned feeling even more hooked to the sea. There is something about Goa's air that relaxes me instantly. I seriously wonder about the idea that people go there to get drunk and get high. Both times I went, I did not even need a fragment of intoxication. The experience in itself was my biggest high.

On a completely different tangent, this first week brought a very important and a very beautiful friendship to an end. A friendship that I took a lot of pride in while it lasted. It feels like the end of an era. I know we all change and we move on. However I know I will always remember this one for some of the most warm, most exciting and some really crazy yet heartfelt times. It leaves a huge void in my being but I will ensure that this is filled with cherished memories rather than hurt.

Despite the turmoil, I am grateful for the lessons that I learnt on my way. One thing that I will always remember is that eternal lesson which I have been trying to learn forever now. I can not ever change others, it is me who needs to accept change and work with it. I am learning to work with feedback however harsh it may be.

Thankfully the vacation gave me ample time to rid myself of extreme reactions.
Ironically, I was meant to see Goa with that friend.

Universe. Thank you for light.

PS: My love for lists makes me love this little piece.

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