Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shaadi Time Shaadi Time!!*

Pretty Kurtas are pretty again.
I am assuming that there is a weight loss that needs to be accounted for. But I am not thinking too much about it lest I get lazy.

So two big brothers are about to get married. This year. 

That is great except that it leaves the firing guns pointing at me. I hate hate and I mean HATE my relatives when they conveniently assume that I will get married for their amusement. Hello? Give me a break maybe?

But But But...
The fun part is that my house is THE SHADI HOUSE** and that makes it bubbling with activity everyday. Cards and more cards. Gift wrapping. Sangeet preps. Clothes that my aunt buys every week. So maaaany colours! Simply wow wow wow!

Mom is out of town and when she comes back it will be a total blast. My mum actually writes all the Folk songs that are sung in a typical Bundelkhandi wedding (We are from Bundelkhand and google it if you don't know what that means!!) and she totally rocks at it. I love them. Love Love Love creating them with her, love singing them with her, love dancing to them.
Oh such awesomeness!

So basically now we need amazing clothes for the weddings (one in October and the other in December). I am pretty much clueless when it comes down to what I should wear. I know Sari is my last resort but I want to do something different this time.
And matching Earrings....

And heels!

I shall buy new heels.

They will be Gold in all probability.

Maybe that will help me get rid of my annoying triple word syndrome!
Maybe Maybe Maybe!

*The title is inspired by a dialogue from the movie 'Aisha'.
** The official house from where the wedding preparations will be carried out. The actual wedding is in Jaipur. Sigh.

1 comment:

«« hAdez »» said...


'thought you'd like :)