You someone far far away...
...please come back.
Please...*puppy face*
Although I know we won't be able to be with each other that often because of my exams but atleast you will be around.
But please come back na!
Or just call me twice a day and tell me how much you miss my company. That should work.
Or maybe not.
Actually it will make me miss your company more.
Do you miss me as much as I miss you?
Just come back.
I miss you.
A lot.
I miss you too.
But this distance is better for both of us.
hahahah at S... wait, that WAS a joke righhhh?
A- babaaaaaaay. stop being so obscure...better spell out stuff now :)
okay okay. awww you.
exams will keep your mind off
umm 'you'... :)
S i can KILL you....:(
Go-phish exams are the reason my mind is wavering. I wouldnt be like this if I had something...well physically more challenging to do.
:( :(
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