Thursday, May 21, 2009

Freakish Frenzy

Am I compulsive??

I don't know why but off late I have been wanting things to happen in a certain way and if they don't I cant seem to handle it. I get this weird freakish feeling if things don't turn up the way  wanted them to and sometimes it drives me mad. Why can't I get myself to accept the fact that certain things will remain the way they are. For example if i am looking forward to something, even a second's delay pisses me off. If I am expecting something whenever I am and it doesn't happen I just cant help crying. 

Kya hai ye?
Anyway, I also think its the lack of things to do.
God give me things to do.

But does that make me compulsive? Nahi na?


silly billy:) said...

no baby..not at all..
being impatient-fun..
but if it gets freaky..then try and let it go..its a ll pass..

deluded said...

no. it isnt :)

impulsive is the best!

Anonymous said...

now i got confused... :P